How to chose candle wax – the burn test

Selecting the materials to work with is a true challenge for established and starting up candle makers.
Not everyone has time and resources to establish a lab, and there are a variety of natural waxes, additives and blends out there. Just have a look at our range.
Yet, product development is a key part of a successful business that wants to leverage a unique selling point.

The number of variables to take into consideration when selecting a wax for your candles is obviously high, including the fragrances of interest, type of wick, type of mould for pillar candles or type of container for container candles, etc.

As our product development team constantly tests our own batches as well as the products we distribute, here is some testing advice based on their experience:

  1. Decide what variable you want to test, and maintain the rest constant.
    If you test different waxes with different fragrance loads at different temperatures, you might have to many changing parameters. Whatever results you experience these might not be indicative or repeatable.
    Isolate one or two comparable parameters to test, with a clear control you can refer to.
  2. Start documenting before you start testing.
    Take clear notes of the type of materials you are going to test. Once the melting, wicking and pouring starts it might be harder to keep track of what is what. After candles are cured and burned, who remembers?
  3. More is more.
    There is a significant amount of parameters to keep track of when testing waxes. Our experts note more than 40 parameters per candle.
  4. For example
    Below here is an actual example of some burn testing done by our experts. This spreadsheet has been redacted for readability as the original one included more comments and columns. Please take the results as not indicative. Yet, you will notice that the values that were being compared where wicks, candle sizes and fragrances. You might want to add observations about cold and hot fragrance throw, appearance, etc.
Sample No5 A5 B5 C6A6B
Wax typeproprietary blend 1proprietary blend 1proprietary blend 1proprietary blend 1proprietary blend 1
Candle Size & weight g:501502498603589
Fragrancevelvet irisvelvet irisvelvet irisroserose
Fragrance %8%8%8%8%8%
Wick typeCL16CL19Lux 10 / zaraCL14CL16
Pour temp7066646363
Container typeglass type 1glass type 1glass type 1glass type 2glass type 2
Batch codelab sample reflab sample reflab sample reflab sample reflab sample ref
Room Temp 20 +/- 5 °C20.420.420.420.420.4
Burn start time 17.30pm7.30pm7.30pm7.30pm7.30pm
Burn stop time 111.30pm11.00pm11.00pm11.00pm11.00pm
Flame stability observation:     
Five minutes after ignitionstablestablestablestablewick in wax
Time period 1 (60 mins) mmstablestablestablestablehad gone out, wick in wax
Time period 2 (120mins)stablestablestablestablestable
Time period 4 (240mins)stablestablestablestablestable
Prior to extinguish 
Flame height mm:     
Initial ignitionwithin 5 secondswithin 5 secondswithin 5 secondswithin 5 seconds. Wick curled over into waxwithin 5 seconds. Wick curled over into wax
Time period 1 (60mins) – mm2626242015
Time period 1 – Carbon cap (‘mushrooming’), 60mins clubbing
Visible sooting slight sooting
Time period 2 – Carbon cap (‘mushrooming’), 210mins25mm26mm26mm21mm17mm
Sooting observation:     
Clean/blackened some flecks
Excessive quantity 
Weight after burning (g)477478479380578
Fuel Consumption (g/h) (after 240mins)2424191411
Molten Wax pool     
Carbon deposits 
Excessive pooling 
Melt pool – time 1 (60 mins) glass width 80mm55mm / 80mm60mm / 80mm55mm / 80mm43mm / 65mm33mm / 75mm
Melt pool – time 1 (120 mins) glass width 80mm60mm62mm60mm53mm40mm
Aftersmoke time (seconds)less than 3 secless than 3 secless than 3 secless than 3 secless than 3 sec
Glow/ember stop timeless than 3 secless than 3 secless than 3 secless than 3 secless than 3 sec
Container integrity (i.e. cracks) 
Paper burn or scorching 
Defects noted     
Before Testsome cracking around wick/sink hole. Good smooth finish on top, some pull away at bottom of glass.Good fragrance throw.some cracking around wick/sink hole. Good smooth finish on top, some pull away at bottom of glass.Good fragrance throw.some cracking around wick/sink hole. Good smooth finish on top, some wet spots. .Good fragrance throw. Crystallisation/motteling of wax at sidesvery white appearance, cracking around wick and fine across top. Some wet spots.very white appearance, small amount of creasing coming from wick. 1 x large wet spot. limited fragrance throw
During Test (60mins) very tight burn pool – struggling
After Test (affter 2nd burn) – 240mins good burn – not to the edge. Solidified well, nice smooth topburned well, almost to the edge, steady burn
reset commentsgood reset good resetgood restgood reset/smooth, some frostinggood reset/smooth, some frosting
Test Results & Conclusion     

Picture by Ousa Chea – Unsplash

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